Homemade Italian Baked Potato Chips

What You Need To Make  Baked Potato Chips

Potatoes Olive oil White pepper Salt Rosemary

Curved Arrow

Slice the potatoes really thin, almost transparent. Soak them in cold water for 20 to 30 minutes. Then dry them really well. Next, place them on a lightly greased, parchment-lined baking sheet.

How To Make  Baked Potato Chips

Lined Circle
Green Cutlery

Sprinkle with olive oil, salt, white pepper, and freshly chopped rosemary.  Bake for 15-20, but keep an eye on them after 10 minutes. If some are browning too quickly, remove them.

How To Make Baked Potato Chips

Lined Circle
Green Cutlery

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