*If you use unsalted butter than add 1/4 teaspoon of salt. If the dough is too dry add up to an additional 26 grams of butter (1 tablespoon). Be sure to use a good quality butter, apparently this year 2022, store brand butter quality is not what it used to be. Less fat could mean a dry not so tasty cookie.
In a mixing bowl beat the sugar and butter until creamy, then add the sifted dry ingredients, mix just until combined, move to a flat surface and gently knead to form into a ball, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 60 minutes. If you prefer you can roll the dough into a log shape, wrap in plastic and refrigerate.
Roll the dough on a flat surface lightly floured if needed or between 2 sheets of parchment paper to ½ inch thickness, cut out with your favourite cookie cutters and place on parchment paper lined cookie sheets. Or if you made a log shape then slice about ¼- ½ inch thick slices and place on parchment paper lined cookie sheets. Refrigerate while the oven is pre-heating.
Pre-heat oven to 320F (160C).
Bake the cookies for approximately 12-15 minutes, let cool for about 5 minutes on the cookie sheet then move to a wire rack to completely cool. Enjoy!
The cookies should be stored in an airtight container and kept at room temperature, they will keep for 2 weeks. To tell the truth I like cold shortbread so I always store mine in the fridge, they will keep for up to 3 weeks in the fridge.To freeze the shortbread cookies, place parchment paper in between the layers of the completely cooled cookies this prevents them from sticking together when they are in the containers for freezing, or you can also place the baked cooled cookies on a cookie sheet and freeze them, then move the frozen cookies to either airtight bags or containers. Baked Shortbread Cookies will last up to a month in the freezer.To thaw the cookies be sure to remove the frozen cookies from the bags or containers (this way no condensation will form) and let them thaw at room temperature. In our house no one waits for them to thaw!