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Italian Christmas Cookies / Pasta Frolla

These Italian Christmas Cookies are extremely popular anytime during the year, but especially at Christmas Time. Made with crostata dough (pasta frolla) and cut out into your favourite shapes. Crunchy and buttery they may just become your favourite cookie!

christmas cookies on a green christmas tree plate


I don’t think there is one household in Italy that doesn’t make cookies with pasta frolla. It is one of the must have pastry dough bases of every Pastry Store in the country. And I am sure everyone has their own recipe and method of making it. This is the dough I learned from my Mother-in-law and it is what I use for all my Italian pies and tarts including one of our favourites, Italian  Crostata.

This recipe makes a double pie crust, so whenever I make a single layer pie I always make some cut out cookies with the left over dough.

In a large bowl (or mixer with paddle attachment or food processor), whisk together the flour, sugar and baking powder, create a well in the middle and add the slightly beaten egg and yolk and butter. Mix together until almost combined.

making the dough in a food processor, whisked dry ingredients and the dough almost combined

Move the dough to a slightly floured flat surface and gently knead the mixture to form a soft dough ball. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

the dough ready to be chilled

Remove  the dough from the fridge, divide it in half, roll out (one half of it at a time, the remainder keep chilled), on a lightly floured flat surface to approximately 1/4 inch thickness or less if you prefer. Cut out with your favourite cookie cutters, place the cookies on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet, chill while the oven is pre-heating.

cookies on a cookie sheet before & after baking

Bake until lightly golden, let cool then dust with powdered sugar, they can also be made into sandwich cookies, top one side of the cookie with your favourite filling, such as hazelnut cream or even jam.

cookies dusted with powdered sugar and filled with jam and hazelnut cream

What is Pasta Frolla?

It is a shortcrust pastry which is made of flour, salt, sugar, butter, eggs baking powder and sometimes flavours. It has a soft but compact texture, which allows it to be used to create pastries and biscuits. The pastry is crumbly but also compact.

How to store it

The cookies should be kept in an airtight container or bag. They will keep at room temperature for up to 2 days but can be kept up to 5-7 days if refrigerated. They can also be frozen in a freezer safe bag or container. They will keep for up to 1-2 months.

cookies on a wire rack

What can I add to the dough for flavouring?

If you wish you can add the zest of a lemon or even an orange, seeds from a vanilla bean or even some ground cinnamon. Add the additions with the flour.

What to make with Pasta Frolla dough

Besides making cooking this dough makes a delicious base to any pie of choice, such as this Tiramisu Pie, Italian Chocolate Pie, or this Strawberry Pie.

cookies on a wire rack with a christmas tree candle

More Delicious Italian Cookies

So if you are looking to add some delicious cookies to your cookie list this year, I would love if you tried these Italian Christmas Cookies and let me know what you think. Enjoy!

up close pasta frolla cookies
christmas cookies on a green christmas tree plate

Italian Christmas Cookies / Pasta Frolla

Rosemary Molloy
These Italian Christmas Cookies are made with crostata dough (pasta frolla). A crunchy buttery dough that makes the best cookies.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Chilling Time 30 minutes
Total Time 57 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine Italian
Servings 44 cookies
Calories 48 kcal


  • 1 ¾ cup all purpose flour (227 grams)
  • ½ cup sugar (100 grams)
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 large egg yolk
  • ½ cup + 1 tablespoon butter (cold/salted) (126 total grams)


  • In a large bowl (or mixer with paddle attachment or food processor), whisk together the flour, sugar and baking powder, create a well in the middle and add the slightly beaten egg and yolk and butter. Mix together until almost combined then move to a slightly floured flat surface and gently knead the mixture to form a soft dough ball. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.  
  • Remove  the dough from the fridge, divide it in half (roll out a half at a time, the remainder keep chilled), roll out on a lightly floured flat surface to approximately 1/4 inch thickness or less if you prefer. Cut out with your favourite cookie cutters, place the cookies on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet, chill the cookies again while the oven is pre-heating.
  • Pre-heat oven to 350F (180C).
  • Bake until lightly golden, approximately 10-12 minutes, let cool 5 minutes on cookie sheet, then move to a wire rack to cool completely. Dust with powdered sugar, they can also be made into sandwich cookies, top one side of the cookie with your favourite filling, such as hazelnut cream or even jam. Enjoy!


Calories: 48kcal | Carbohydrates: 6g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 8mg | Sodium: 26mg | Potassium: 17mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 104IU | Calcium: 7mg | Iron: 1mg
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  1. 5 stars
    Cuando pongo la masa en el molde, previamente debe estar enmantecado y enharinado
    Saludos! Cristina Trotta

  2. Hola!
    Estaba viendo tu receta en ésta fría tarde de invierno en Buenos Aires ( Argentina)
    Y está muy bien explicada y muy bien hecha👏👏👏👏
    Yo vengo de familia italiana y además de hacer galletas con la pasta Frolla
    Hacemos Pasta Frolla, a la que agregamos a la mezcla ralladura de medio limón y una cucharita de esencia de vainilla..
    Luego de armada la masa ,separamos una 1/4 parte para hacer un enrejado y a la parte mayor de masa la ponemos en un molde de tarta de 26cm .. Y se levantan los bordes unos 3-4 cm y se rellena con Dulce de Membrillo,al que le podes agregar nueces picadas y un toque de licor o cogñac o esencia de cogñac ( una cucharita) para pastelería, el dulce se pone en una sartén con unas cucharadas de agua y se lo pone a fuego mínimo hasta derretirlo…Una vez derretido y mezclado se le agrega el licor y las nueces picadas chiquitas( si se quiere) ….Queda genial!!!
    Luego cuando esté frío se lo pone sobre la masa de pasta Frola extendida y se lleva al Freezer un rato 10-15 minutos)
    Mientras que el otro cuarto de masa descansa en la heladera…media hora aproximadamente..**
    Luego se saca el 1/4 de masa de la heladera y se estira sobre la mesa enharinada y se corta con un cuchillo o cortapastas sacando tiras de unos 2 cm de ancho …Ir calculando cuántas tiras se van necesitando para hacer un enrejado de tiras cruzadas (Es común que se partan, al manipularlas,por eso más abajo aconsejo poner las tiras cortadas en el Freezer unos minutos para facilitar el trabajo)
    Cubrir toda la tarta y pintarlas con huevo batido y espolvorear con coco rallado
    Hornear como siempre
    Usar preferentemente un molde de tarta de 26cm desmontable
    Sino se tiene NO desmoldarla, para que no se rompa…Ir cortando las porciones y servir desde ahí
    Yo uso una Pirex que la tengo hace años y la corto sin problemas y la sirvo directamente desde ahí
    ** En vez de llevar el 1/4 de masa a la heladera ,se pueden cortar las tiras de masa para el enrejado sobre papel de cocina y se ponen en una bandeja y se lo lleva al Freezer también unos 10-15 minutos ,al igual que la masa extendida en el molde de tarta para ahorrar tiempo y que no se rompa la masa
    Un abrazo grande desde Buenos Aires 🤗 Cris 🥧👍🤩

  3. I want to make double the batch and use half now and use the rest in 3 weeks. Would it be OK if I froze half of it until I’m ready to use the rest of it?

    1. Hi Michele yes you can freeze the dough no problem, it will keep up to 6 months in the freezer, be sure to wrap it well and place in a freezer safe bag.

  4. How cold should the butter be? Mine was very cold right out of the fridge and it took a lot of kneading for the dough to come together. It’s chilling now – I’m hoping these turn out like yours!!

      1. 5 stars
        They turned out amazing! We added a teaspoon of orange zest and sandwiched some of the cookies with chocolate hazelnut spread. Definitely making these again for our Christmas Eve celebration – thank you!

5 from 9 votes (6 ratings without comment)

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