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Homemade Cinnamon Cake Donuts

I don’t make Donuts often, but these Homemade Cinnamon Cake Donuts are my new favourite! A soft dough with a touch of one of my favourite Fall flavors, cinnamon, and then rolled while still warm in a cinnamon sugar combination. The perfect anytime Donut.

Cake donuts on a wooden board.


With the coming of Autumn, I think we (me) might just really be looking forward to a little cooler weather, and with that comes all the delicious Comfort Food and I don’t just mean a Casserole or Pasta Dish. I’m talking dessert, especially a Cinnamon Dessert!

In Italy donuts are the way to go. I love my fried Italian Donuts. Although I do love my Cake Donuts with a cup of coffee or tea.

But when someone mentions donuts I always think of those soft, cinnamon Cake Donuts, I would sometimes treat myself to in Canada.

So when I discovered this deep fried (yes deep fried and no, I wouldn’t bake these in the oven) Cinnamon Cake Donut Recipe from a friend I knew I had to make them. And the best thing is they are yeast free!

Recipe Ingredients

  • Sugar – granulated sugar
  • Baking powder – to help them rise, since no yeast is used
  • Cinnamon – ground cinnamon
  • Salt – Salt enhances and balances flavors, especially sweetness
  • Egg – one large egg
  • Milk – whole or 2% milk
  • Butter – melted butter, I used salted butter, if you use unsalted butter then add a bit more salt
  • Flour – all purpose flour
Cake donuts on a board with one with a bite out.

How to make Cake donuts

In a large bowl or bowl of a stand mixer, combine the sugar, baking powder, cinnamon (and or nutmeg) and salt, then add the egg, milk and melted butter and combine.

Add some of the flour and beat, starting on low speed increase to medium (with dough hook) combine, then add the remaining flour, the dough will be soft and a little sticky (but firm enough to handle), if too sticky add more flour a tablespoon at a time.

Wrap the dough in plastic and chill for one hour.

cake donuts how to make mixing the dough and cutting out the donuts

Heat 2 inches of oil in a medium heavy pot (or follow the directions if using a deep fryer) I recommend using a candy thermometer to arrive at the correct temperature.

Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface to 1/2 inch thick, cut out with a donut cutter (be sure to fry the donut holes also). Or round cookie cutter and the end of a piping tip.

Carefully drop the donuts a couple at a time into the hot oil. Flip the donuts as they puff up, turn a couple of times as they fry approximately 2-3 minutes, or until golden.

Remove with a slotted spoon and let drain for a 30-60 seconds on a plate lined with paper towels or cooling rack. While the donuts are still warm roll them in the cinnamon sugar. Serve immediately. 

What is the difference between cake donuts and regular donuts?

Regular donuts are made with yeast, whereas cake donuts are made with a chemical leavener such as baking powder or baking soda. Yeast donuts are usually softer, cake donuts are a little more dense and have a crispier shell.

Tips for making the best Cinnamon Cake Donuts

  • Make sure your dough is soft and a little sticky, (if too sticky just add a little more flour). Dough should be wrapped in plastic and chilled for about one hour.
  • This recipe is made for frying so I don’t recommend baking
  • Be sure to keep the oil at a steady temperature, higher and the donuts will burn, lower and they won’t cook properly.
  • 340-350F (170-175C), try to keep it as close to this temperature while frying. Fry the donuts, turning a couple of times for about two to three minutes on each side.
  • Be sure to roll them in the cinnamon sugar while still warm so the sugar sticks to them.


  • Instead of rolling in a cinnamon sugar mixture you could cover in a chocolate glaze and add some sprinkles on top.
  • Add a tiny bit of nutmeg to the donut recipe
  • Because these donuts are fried I strongly recommend eating them asap, fried foods aren’t the best kinds of foods to be kept for more than a day.
Donut holes in a wire basket.

What is the best oil for frying?

The best oils for frying are peanut oil and canola oil because of their high smoke points, which means the temperature when the oil begins to break down and, begins to smoke. Although sunflower and corn oil work well too.

Tools needed for making Cake Donuts

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I just did a baking class and the instructor advised us that the Best Rolling Pins are the ones without the handles, because pressing on the handles puts too much pressure on the centre of the dough.

And of course don’t forget one of those nifty Donut Cutters. If you are using a heavy pot a Thermometer is a must have, you need it to get your oil to the right temperature.

To fry these donuts I just used a heavy pot and filled it with two inches of vegetable oil, but one of my next purchases is definitely going to be an Electric Deep Fryer!

Can the dough be made ahead of time?

Yes the dough will keep well wrapped in the refrigerator for up to two days. Just be sure to bring it to room temperature before proceeding with the recipe.

How to store the Donuts

It is always best to eat the donuts immediately, or you could keep them unfilled in an airtight container at room temperature for 1-2 days at most. If filled they should be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Freezing is not a good idea.

Cake donuts on a wooden board.

So if you plan on making these Homemade Donuts I hope you enjoy them, and let me know what you think. Enjoy and Have a wonderful Sunday!

Cake donuts on a wooden board.

Homemade Cinnamon Cake Donuts

Rosemary Molloy
These Cake Donuts are made with a soft, touch of cinnamon dough, then rolled while still warm in a cinnamon sugar combination. No yeast needed!
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 6 minutes
chilling time 1 hour
Total Time 26 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 6 donuts
Calories 340 kcal



  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ¼-½ teaspoon cinnamon (or nutmeg, whichever you prefer)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 large egg
  • ½ cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons butter (salted, melted and cooled)
  • 2 cups all purpose flour

Enough vegetable oil for deep frying (I use an oil made for frying).


    • ½ cup granulated sugar
    • ½ teaspoon cinnamon


    • In a large bowl mix together the sugar, baking powder, cinnamon (or nutmeg) and salt, then add the egg, milk and melted butter and combine.
    • Add 1½ cups (187 grams) of flour and beat, starting on low speed increase to medium (with dough hook) combine, then add remaining flour, the dough will be soft and a little sticky (but firm enough to handle), if too sticky add more flour a tablespoon at a time.
    • Wrap the dough in plastic and chill for one hour.
    • Heat 2 inches of oil in a medium heavy pot (or follow the directions if using a deep fryer) using a candy thermometer until temperature reaches 360-370F (180-185C).
    • Roll dough on a lightly floured surface to ½ inch thick (1.2 cm), cut out with a donut cutter (be sure to fry the donut holes also).
    • Carefully drop the donuts two at a time into the hot oil (keep the temperature at 360F or as close as possible). Flip the donuts as they puff up, turn a couple of times as they fry approximately 2-3 minutes, or until golden.
    • Remove with a slotted spoon and let drain for a 30-60 seconds on a plate lined with paper towels.  Roll warm donuts in cinnamon sugar. Serve immediately.  Enjoy!


    • In a small bowl combine well the sugar and cinnamon.


    If you don’t have a donut cutter then you could use a round 3 inch / 8cm cookie cutter  and the end of a piping tip to make the hole.
    The best oils for frying are peanut oil and canola oil because of their high smoke points, which means the temperature when the oil begins to break down and, begins to smoke. Although sunflower and corn oil work well too.
    The dough will keep well wrapped in the refrigerator for up to two days. Just be sure to bring it to room temperature before proceeding with the recipe.
    It is always best to eat the donuts immediately, or you could keep them unfilled in an airtight container at room temperature for 1-2 days at most. If filled they should be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Freezing is not a good idea.
    This recipe will make 6 donuts and donut holes.


    Calories: 340kcal | Carbohydrates: 66g | Protein: 6g | Fat: 5g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 43mg | Sodium: 62mg | Potassium: 217mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 34g | Vitamin A: 195IU | Calcium: 92mg | Iron: 2.2mg
    Did You Make This Recipe?Please leave a comment below or pin it to your Pinterest account!

    Post updated from October 14, 2018.


      1. Hi Humeira, apparently you can, they say to spray the Air Fryer basket with oil spray, transfer the donuts to the Air Fryer basket in a single layer. Spray the donuts with oil spray and cook at 350F until golden brown, about 4 minutes. I have never tried it but if you do let me know how it went. Take care!

    1. 4 stars
      Made tonight. Tasted okay but seemed to be missing something, maybe vanilla. For the first time making doughnuts, I call it a success. Thank you.

      1. randomly came across this, just wanted to toss in my 2 cents. A ma & pa donut shop near me that has not changed the way they’ve done things in decades (still cash only), their “secret” is nutmeg. they say all the old shops used nutmeg incorporated into the dough. but they also sprinkle a pinch or two on the rolled dough before frying.

        1. 5 stars
          I made these donuts tonight and they are delicious, I added both cinnamon and nutmeg plus a little vanilla. This will be my go to recipe.

      1. Hi Minerva, I have never baked them, but apparently you can bake them, pre-heated 350F for about 15 minutes. Hope this helps, let me know. Take care!

    2. 5 stars
      We made these donuts this weekend and they were amazing! Thank you for the recipe! We’ve had a hard time getting donuts to work out well but these were fantastic! I made the dough the night before and by the time I rolled them out the next morning, they were warm enough to fry.
      My son gave some to the neighbors and they thought they were from a food truck, they were so good!

    3. Used this with water and olive oil in a bread machine on dough pasta setting and they still seemed edible though a couple got extra brown on the outside.

    4. 5 stars
      I’m excited to try this recipe soon ash family looooves donuts! Could i make the dough the night before and chill it overnight?? That way i don’t have to wake up so early! Thanks for any tips.

      1. Hi Andrea, yes you can, just be sure to let it sit at room temperature for about 30-60 minutes, depending on how warm your home is. I hope you enjoy them.

      1. Hi Ryan these are best fried, this recipe is for baked cinnamon donuts if you want to try https://anitalianinmykitchen.com/cinnamon-cake-donuts/.

    5. These look great. I don’t have a candy thermometer on hand right now but would like to make them today. Can you tell me how many minutes a side approximately when in the ideal temperature range?
      Thank you!

    6. 5 stars
      These donuts are delish!! I put sugar, cinnamon, a little nutmeg in a paper lunch bag and 2-3 donuts at a time! Gently shake and they are coated nicely with sugar. It’s less messy on kitchen counter.

    7. 5 stars
      Oh my gosh. These look absolutely perfect and perfectly irresistible. These are on my to-make list for this week!

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