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Easy Chocolate Chip Whipped Shortbread

These Easy Chocolate Chip Whipped Shortbread cookies are the absolute best melt in your Mouth Shortbread Cookie. Fast, Easy and they will be gone in seconds. They make the perfect cookie for gifting. Don’t forget to add them to your Holiday Cookie Tray!

Whipped shortbread cookies on a snowman plate.


We are big lovers of Shortbread Cookies and a couple of our favourites are My Mom’s Shortbread Cookies and these delicious Lemon Shortbread Cookies.

As we get closer and closer to Christmas we start to think about baking Christmas Cookies, I have to say these are ones that get made over and over again and are usually the first to go. Fast and easy and Shortbread, can’t get much better than that!

My Mom’s Christmas Cookies were the best on the block. Including these Whipped Shortbread Cookies. These literally melt in your mouth! They also make the perfect last minute cookie too!

Recipe Ingredients

  • Butter – softened, be sure to use a good quality butter
  • Powdered sugar – also known as icing sugar or confectioners’ sugar, it’s a good idea to sift the sugar to remove any lumps.
  • Corn starch
  • Vanilla
  • All Purpose flour – flour with at least 11% protein.
  • salt – if you use unsalted butter then add a bit more salt.
  • Chocolate chips – if you prefer you can substitute with chopped nuts or dried fruit or leave them plain.
Whipped shortbread on a red dish.

In the the bowl of the stand mixer, with the paddle attachment cream the butter and icing sugar until very fluffy.

creaming the butter and sugar

Add the salt, cornstarch, vanilla and flour and beat until very light. Add the mini chocolate chips and combine on low or stir to combine.

adding the chocolate chips to the creamed flour, butter and sugar mixture

Drop by teaspoon or tablespoons, or roll into balls the size of a golfball and lightly flatten with a fork on the prepared baking sheet.

cookie dough dropped by teaspoon full on cookie sheet

Bake for approximately 15-20 minutes or until very lightly golden (almost white) never browned. Let cool on the baking pan for a bit then move to a wire rack to cool completely before serving.

Why add cornstarch?

Cornstarch is used to make the cookie more tender and give them that melt in the mouth taste. I have made these without cornstarch and I personally prefer them with.

Chocolate chip whipped shortbread on a red Christmas tree plate.

Why are the cookies flat?

Cookies can spread and be flat for a number of reasons, the biggest reason is the wrong type of flour is used. That is what happened in my case. I used a low protein flour, once I changed flours the cookies were no longer flat.

Adding cornstarch to the recipe also helps keep cookies from spreading. As does chilling the dough first. I always find it a good idea to chill the cookies while the oven is pre-heating, 15-20 minutes will do it.

What Flour to use for the cookies

So now I know Canadian Flour and Italian Flour are different. But how are they different? It turns out that you need a flour with a protein percentage of 11% or more to prevent flat cookies. The flour I was using was a 00 flour with a percentage of 9%.

The one I use in Italy now has 12.5-13%, it is called Manitoba flour and it is similar to a North American All Purpose or Plain Flour which has around 13%. As you can see the cookie on the right is how it should be.

2 whipped shortbread cookies using low protein and high protein flour

Tips for making the best shortbread

  • Make sure your butter is softened.
  • Sift the powdered sugar, you want to remove any lumps that have formed.
  • Whip the butter and sugar for approximately 3-5 minutes you want it to be light and fluffy.
  • Be sure to add the cornstarch, this will help produce a soft and tender cookie.
  • Be sure to measure the flour properly, spoon the flour into the cup then level it off with a spoon or knife blade, dipping the cup into the flour bag is not a good or accurate way to measure flour.
  • Baking the cookies one tray at a time is best, always on the middle rack, never on the bottom as it can cause the cookies to burn.


If you prefer you can make the cookies plain or you could add chopped nuts, coconut, dried fruit such as cranberries, sprinkles or even crushed candy canes. If you use dried fruit be sure to soak it for 15-20 minutes in boiling water, drain well before adding to the dough. My mother would make this cookie with cherries also.

To add a bit more flavor you could add some vanilla extract or even almond extract.

Chocolate chip whipped shortbread on a red Christmas tree plate.


How to store shortbread cookies

Your baked cookies should be left to cool then store them in an airtight container at room temperature they will last up to 5 days. I like cold cookies so I actually store mine in the fridge, they will last up to 10 days in the fridge.

Can this whipped shortbread recipe be made without a stand mixer?

Yes it can, you could use a regular electric mixer, when adding the flour mix together on low and the last bit of flour should be combined with a wooden spoon or spatula. You could also combine the dough by hand using a wooden spoon or spatula.

How to freeze the baked cookies

Freeze the completely cooled cookies in an airtight freezer safe container or bag. They will keep for up to 2 months in the freezer. If you are worried about the cookies sticking together, then place the cooled cookies on a cookie sheet and freeze until firm (about 2 hours) then move to the containers or bags. You can also place parchment paper between the layers.

How to freeze the raw cookie dough

You can also freeze the dough, make the dough balls and place them on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet, once they are frozen place in an airtight freezer safe container or bag. The cookies can be baked frozen, just be sure to add an additional couple of minutes to the baking time.

Nobody can resist these Chocolate Chip Whipped Shortbread! I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Enjoy!

Up close shortbread cookies.

More Delicious Christmas Cookies

Whipped shortbread cookies on a snowman plate.

Easy Chocolate Chip Whipped Shortbread

Rosemary Molloy
One of the best Christmas Cookies, melt in your mouth shortbread.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Chilling Time 20 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Course Christmas Cookies, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 24 cookies
Calories 139 kcal


  • 1 cup butter* (softened)
  • ½ cup powdered sugar (sifted) (also known as icing sugar or confectioners sugar) (sifted)
  • ¼ cup corn starch
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla
  • cups flour all purpose**
  • ½ cup mini semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 pinch salt

*If you use unsalted butter then add a 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Be sure to use a good quality butter, apparently this year 2022, store brand butter quality is not what it used to be. Less fat could mean a dry not so tasty cookie.

    **Flour should have at least 11% protein, this keeps the cookies from spreading.


      • In the bowl of the mixer add butter and icing sugar and on medium speed cream until very fluffy. Then add the salt, cornstarch, vanilla and flour. Beat until very light approximately 2-3 minutes. Stir in chocolate chips or beat on low for 10-15 seconds.
      • Drop by heaping teaspoon, or roll into balls the size of a golfball and lightly flatten with a fork,  place parchment paper lined cookie sheets. Chill for 15-20 while the oven is pre-heating.
      • Pre-heat oven to 325° (160° celsius).
      • Bake for approximately 15-20 minutes** until very lightly golden, almost white never browned. Let cool for 5-10 minutes then carefully move to a wire rack to cool completely before serving. Enjoy!
      • ** Start to check the cookies after 10-12 minutes, depending on the size they may take less time to bake.


      If you prefer you can substitute the chocolate chips with chopped nuts or dried fruit or just leave them plain.
      Your baked cookies should be left to cool then store them in an airtight container at room temperature they will last up to 5 days. I like cold cookies so I actually store mine in the fridge, they will last up to 10 days in the fridge.
      Freeze the completely cooled cookies in an airtight freezer safe container or bag. They will keep for up to 2 months in the freezer. If you are worried about the cookies sticking together, then place the cooled cookies on a cookie sheet and freeze until firm (about 2 hours) then move to the containers or bags. You can also place parchment paper between the layers.
      You can also freeze the dough, make the dough balls and place them on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet, once they are frozen place in an airtight freezer safe container or bag. The cookies can be baked frozen, just be sure to add an additional couple of minutes to the baking time.


      Calories: 139kcal | Carbohydrates: 12g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Cholesterol: 20mg | Sodium: 92mg | Potassium: 38mg | Sugar: 4g | Vitamin A: 240IU | Calcium: 6mg | Iron: 0.7mg
      Did You Make This Recipe?Please leave a comment below or pin it to your Pinterest account!

      Reposted from October 5, 2016, because they are so worth it!


      1. 4 stars
        These were really good, but I’m glad I checked on them while they were baking, they took only about half the time that was stated here. No idea why, but they were browning on the bottoms by 12 minutes.

        1. Hi Monica, thanks I will note that in the recipe. Sometimes that happens here, I find some recipes take longer to bake. Have a great weekend.

      2. 4 stars
        Hi Rosemary! Are you still living over there? I lived in Roma for over 10 years. I never learned how to make cookies though! Only everything else including pasta. Interesting!

        1. Hi Jacqueline, I’m spending time in Rome and Toronto. There are lots of Italian Cookies which are really quite good. Although these Whipped Shortbreads were one of my Mom’s Christmas Cookie Recipes. 🙂

      3. 5 stars
        Love these cookies! You provide the perfect shortbread recipe and add mini chocolate chips – sooo delicious! My family loved them! I am adding them to my Christmas cookie regulars and plan to make them again tomorrow….just because. Thank you for this recipe!

          1. Hi Janie, your welcome, I get confused too on all these different names for the same thing and then throw in the Italian translation and it’s a mess. 🙂

      4. Hi, Rose,
        I’m excited about your recipes and look forward to trying this one for the holidays.
        A quick question I have, what type of flour did you use? All purpose or self-rising?
        Thank You for sharing,

        1. Thanks Melissa, these are probably our absolute favourite and so easy too! Glad you like them. Have a great week.

      5. My grandson loves shortbread cookies. Just printed the recipe and definitely will be making these. Thanks for sharing.

      6. They look absolutely delicious! I can see how rich they are — melt in my mouth rich. What a wonderful treat. And yes, the older I get the faster time goes. I want to dig in my heels and say – STOP! Have a great day1

        1. Hi Nessie, I freeze the cookies, to tell the truth I never freeze cookie dough, just the made cookies. Have a great weekend.

      7. Oooh these look amazing!! I love shortbread cookies so I will have to try these soon! Thanks so much for linking up to Creative K Kids Tasty Tuesdays. I’m pinning this to the Tasty Tuesdays Pinterest Board. We would love to have you join us again this week!

      8. These cookies look delicious. I make between 15 to 20 different cookies for Christmas. I’m probably adding this one this year. I usually hear about fist fights over my pizzelle. I mail them to a few friends that I don’t get to see over the holidays.
        Time flies by faster and faster as we get older no matter where you live. I can’t believe the year is almost over already.

      9. I am truly loving these recipes. I always look for great recipes to add to my collection. I look to cook and to bake. I also watch for recipes I can easily convert to sugar-free recipes, since my children and I cannot eat sugar. Both last week’s recipe and, especially this one, are easily converted to sugar-free. Thank you so much providing copies of your recipes for these tasty treats.

        1. Hi Michelle, Thank you, I am so glad you are enjoying these recipes and that they are easily converted for you and your children.

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