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Olive Oil Pie Crust

This olive oil pie crust is easy to make in 20 minutes with tender, flaky results! It’s an easy dough recipe perfect for a variety of recipes, from pies to starts to delicious crostate. 

This no fuss, olive oil pie crust is easy to make with flaky, tender results and a rich delicious taste. While I love my easy homemade pie dough and Italian pie crust recipe, this oil based crust has been the recipe I rely on lately. 

Olive oil pie crust on waxed paper.


Not only is it quick and simple to make, but since it requires no butter and uses only oil, I always have the simple ingredients on hand whether I need to use it for this sweet lemon crostata or just omit the sugar and it’s perfect for this savory cheese and tomato quiche

This pie crust is one that will impress family and friends. No more will you find the filling eaten but the crust left behind when serving pie, it really is that good! 

Why You Will Love This Oil Pie Crust

  • No fuss: This oil-based pie dough is easy to work with as it contains no butter plus it comes together quickly and can be used in a variety of pie recipes!
  • Flaky and rich crust: This pie crust is tender, flaky and indulgent! I always get compliments when I use this crust. 

Olive Oil Crust Ingredients 

  • All-purpose flour: A flour with 11-12% protein is best to use in this pie crust. 
  • Granulated sugar: Omit if making a savory pie.
  • Eggs: You will need one room temperature egg and one room temperature egg yolk.
  • Olive oil: I prefer a light oil or delicate olive oil.
  • Baking powder: Adds a small rise to the pie dough.
  • Other: Salt enhances the pie crust flavor and water adds moisture.
Ingredients for the recipe.


  • Savory pies: If you use this olive oil crust for a savory pie, like turkey pot pie, omit the sugar. 
  • Citrus zest: I often add a Tablespoon of lemon zest to the dough for a light citrus flavor!
  • Double crust pie: This olive oil crust recipe makes 2 pie crusts which is perfect if you need a top crust on your pie. Crimp and finish the pie as directed in the recipe and remember to cut vents so the filling can breathe. 
  • Milk instead of water: If you are okay with the swap, using milk instead of water will result in an even more tender crust!
  • Streusel or crumb topping: Instead of making a double-crust pie, add a streusel or crumb topping like I do in my apricot jam crumb pie.

How to Make Olive Oil Pie Crust

In a food processor, add the sugar, salt, oil, egg and yolk, pulse just to combine then add the flour, zest and baking powder. 

Making the dough in the food processor.

Pulse to combine then add the water a bit at a time until the dough starts to come together.

The water added and the dough coming together.

Move the dough to a lightly floured flat surface and gently knead to form a smooth compact dough that doesn’t stick to your hands. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate one hour before using in a recipe.

The dough formed on a wooden board.

Recipe Tips

  • Sticky dough or too wet: If the dough is too sticky then add a bit more flour, a tablespoon at a time to bring it together.
  • Dry dough: If you find that the dough is too dry, add 1-2 Tablespoons more water or oil or a mixture. 
  • Rolling oil pie crust: If you are having trouble when using a rolling pin with the olive oil pie dough, place it between two sheets of wax paper. 
  • Avoid extra-virgin olive oil: While I love EVOO for savory recipes, it has too strong of a flavor profile for this pie crust. 

How to Use This Olive Oil Pie Crust

This oil pie crust can be used in any recipe that calls for pie crust! I love to use it in both sweet and savory recipes. Just remember to omit the sugar for a savory pie.

A crostata on a glass cake dish.

Do I need to chill the dough?

While some recipes for an oil pie crust do not have you chill the dough, I find the texture and flavor is better after it has been chilled for an hour. 

Should I prebake this easy pie crust recipe?

This really depends on the filling being used! If the pie recipe you are using calls for blind baking the crust, parbake for 10-15 minutes being careful not to over bake the oil-based crust. 

Can I make this pie crust ahead of time?

Yes! Assemble the pie dough then wrap well in plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. 

How to store an olive oil crust?

Store the pie dough covered in plastic wrap for up to 3 days in the refrigerator. You can also freeze unbaked oil pie crust for up to 4 months.

Can I freeze this oil pie dough? 

Yes! I like to roll out the unbaked pie crust and fit it onto a pie plate. Once frozen, lay a piece of wax paper on the top and wrap in plastic wrap. Store frozen for up to 4 months. When ready to use the pie crust, you will need to parbake it first. Crimp foil around the edges and prick bottom of crust or add pie weights and bake crust until golden before filling and proceeding with your pie recipe. 

More Pie Crust Recipes

Olive oil pie crust on waxed paper.

When you are looking for a pie crust with out butter then I hope you give this olive oil pie crust a recipe and let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Olive oil pie crust on waxed paper.

Olive Oil Pie Crust

Rosemary Molloy
This olive oil pie crust is easy to make in 20 minutes with tender, flaky results! It’s an easy dough recipe perfect for a variety of recipes.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Chilling Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Appetizer, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine Italian
Servings 2 pie crust
Calories 1287 kcal


  • cups all purpose flour 350 g
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg (room temperature)
  • 1 large egg yolk (room temperature)
  • tablespoons olive oil (light or delicate) 80 g
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest (optional)
  • 2-3 tablespoons water


  • In a food processor add the sugar, salt, oil, egg and yolk, pulse just to combine, add the flour, zest and baking powder pulse to combine, add 2-3 tablespoons of water 1 tablespoon at a time until the dough starts to come together.
  • Move the dough to a lightly floured flat surface and gently knead to form a smooth compact dough that doesn't stick to your hands. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate one hour before using.


If the dough is too sticky then add a bit more flour, a tablespoon at a time to bring it together.
If you find that the dough is too dry, add 1-2 Tablespoons more water or oil or a mixture. 
If you are having trouble when using a rolling pin with the olive oil pie dough, place it between two sheets of wax paper. 
This oil pie crust can be used in any recipe that calls for pie crust! I love to use it in both sweet and savory recipes. Just remember to omit the sugar for a savory pie.
Store the pie dough covered in plastic wrap for up to 3 days in the refrigerator. You can also freeze unbaked oil pie crust for up to 4 months.
I like to roll out the unbaked pie crust and fit it onto a pie plate. Once frozen, lay a piece of wax paper on the top and wrap in plastic wrap. Store frozen for up to 4 months. When ready to use the pie crust, you will need to parbake it first. Crimp foil around the edges and prick bottom of crust or add pie weights and bake crust until golden before filling and proceeding with your pie recipe. 


Calories: 1287kcal | Carbohydrates: 183g | Protein: 22g | Fat: 52g | Saturated Fat: 8g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 6g | Monounsaturated Fat: 35g | Trans Fat: 0.01g | Cholesterol: 185mg | Sodium: 338mg | Potassium: 436mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 51g | Vitamin A: 259IU | Vitamin C: 4mg | Calcium: 143mg | Iron: 9mg
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